Morning guys! Ok, to cut long story short - my hubby sent me a txt yesterday whilst he was at work, saying his friend was going to Las Vegas in October for a week to celebrate his 40th, and could he...
There are many people who question whether cats are of any use to us. They say that the cats are taking advantage of us - we supply everything and they hog the sofa. This human that belongs to this...
I had to go to ponky London today, and I used a Boris Bike.
Yay, me!
That makes me like a proper London commuter person. If I blow my nose, it will be black, lol ... tmi ??...
Hi everyone. Ok, I need some advice please. Might be a long post. Ive separated from my husband (together 16 years) due to what I believe was emotional abuse. I am struggling to 1.come to terms and...
Hiya guys As some of you know i am on maternity leave. I started this on 22/12/2013 and due to go back to work on 20/12/14. I phoned pay services yesterday to tell them i wont be coming back and want...
tickles me. The little orange blob, which China Doll had/as for an avatar, bopping away merrily and hitching a lift on a toy car (which is not classy enough for our China) and to resort to getting a...
Has PC gone too far?
Is there an alternative?...
Mini Boo had to have a filling today, so we're sat in the waiting room, errr waiting (as you do!) and this woman came in with 2 other children who proceeded to bounce around the place like Zebedee on...
I thought you had to be available for work at all times whilst on benefits? I know I was - the 5 months I was unemployed. She is abusing the benefits system. I wish I could afford to go abroad on my...
I have used Frontline on my cats for years. today when I was brushing one of my cats I found a live flea, should I change treatment, if so what to, any recommendations would be appreciated.
Above and I went for a walk on Saturday - as we were coming up the drive it was like the film excerpt "ok for the Ok Corral" or something like that. All the kids dived into hedges onto tops of cars...
Does this ring a bell -
I can't park for toffee (but then again my car is ginormous). I have just bought a ginormous ham (too big to cook) - that's bankruptcy for you....
Since my marriage ended 3 years ago I've been celibate by choice. I've met a few nice men but they all wanted sex after one or two dates. I'm not a dried up old crone at 65 I just don't want/need sex...
1. mine upset a mug of sweet, milky coffee of the phone and then let it set. sill have to use a mallet to hammer the keys down. 2. no names (certainly not mine although I was involved in the result)...