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will win BB??
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Shadow Man
In a right wing think tank publication today, it has been suggested that anybody who has been diagnosed with AIDS or HIV should have their penis or vulva tattooed by law. It is argued that it is...
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nanny dawn
is it best to just take travel cheques or are there plenty of atms in bankok and phuket? also to take english, us dollars or local currency? thanks
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this guy is 36? right
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sultryruskie here's my pic. My gf tells me I am stunning(she would wouldn't she?) but I would like a non biased opinion.
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After the recent row about the couple with 12 children given an 8 bedroom home, it seems another couple have been given a free home in London. It is a Mrs Elizabeth Windsor and her husband Phillip. It...
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hi hope this is in the right place,im after some advice for my son,he was thinking of getting rid of his car as it was costing him too much on the insurance,well his mate who he used to like with said...
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To save the ABEd many hours of reading the Daily Mail, here is todays isn't it an outrage shortcut... Do you think it is a disgrace that: Rememberance day is to be scrapped...
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What would happen if you were arrested, had no form of ID at all on you, had not previously been in trouble so no fingerprint records were filed on you, and refused to give your identity. What could...
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AB Asks
Immigrants arriving in Britain from India and China could be forced to take tests for TB. The plan is to test immigrants arriving from countries where the disease is more common. It is being done in...
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Why were there no arrests made, over this incident? And why was this not given wide TV coverage? Is it not time Burkas were banned once and for all?
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Doc Spock
born in 1945 heard the first Beatles hit. I think the music from the 60s was the best. Am I wrong. Is music crap now.
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Well it's Friday, let's have a little debate. As drugs etc are in the news I thought I'd get soundings from you articulate souls. I'm unsure myself, although I hate the illegal drugs etc I tend to...
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We have a new 'Year in Industry' student joining our company. I met him last night at a work do and got onto talking about Nintendo DS. He has one and commented on me saying, "You have one? That's...
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sexyrussiann russia-britain-lavrov-43a8d4f.html I think we should just hate each other.After all we are SO much bigger and more powerful and have better alchohol.
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So is the the governement admitting it was wrong to downgrade this mind altering Highly addictive, filth? Or is there a more sinister motive?
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whats the best way of getting your money out abroad?
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In the news today a Woman went to the cash point to find ?135,000 in her bank account that wasent hers. She blew most of it in weeks. Would you do the same? I would, I think if its their mistake then...
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just been reading that as prime minister he was allowed to go through red lights? one rule......

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