I've just checked the TV schedule for this evening and I will be watching a mix of BBC2 & C4. This seems to reflect our typical watching habits with a bit of C5 crime thrown in. I'm curious to know...
Hello Abers one and all. Having come back from a *ahem* sojourn, from myself, I thought a PSA or two, or four, or a million would not go amiss. From the top of your head, without cheating, and proper...
Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here for the second test, I'm saying no more than that. The Christmas cheer has inundated us, in spite of it being still some weeks away... Why does it seem...
My friend's dad owns 4 cottages in the town centre which he rents out as unfurnished long term lets. All four were badly flooded on Wednesday night and the occupants have lost all their contents on...
I was in my local shop the day and a man or incomer as we call them was complaining how the death of Nelson Mandela had interrupted his program on the telly and what had he ever done!lThis man was...
Hi everyone Sorry to have kept you all in suspense. Cant get on our computers at work now and Ive been away a couple of days. I happy cos Im one of 5 being kept on in the Dining Area at the Hospital...
I have spent today wrapping what gifts I have bought so far and written a mountain of cards....and I'm knacked ! Have more to do but simply can't face it now..perhaps Sunday ? Anyone else started this...
Do you agree with these proposals? http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/nhs-told-to-ban-smoking-near-hospitals-8966155.html I think it kinda makes sense...
For any irrational reason you choose, what places can't you abide? I am watching four in a bed and the B & B is near Southwold, can't stand the place (sent a shiver down my spine when they said it,...