How many Scottish constituencies are there which currently have sitting MPs at Westminster? Recent press articles on the Scottish referendum have mentioned 70, 59 and 40 Scottish seats currently being...
20 down (6)?H?I?S. Minute black slender-bodied insect. Answer looks to be "THRIPS" but that is plural and the clue is singular. Is there any other answer?...
9 across (10) N?R?H?O??? Onthe map, going up in the world. 8 down (6) ???E?T Now opening for a season. 20 down (6) G?N?A? Very pleasant in gale, getting blown about. 26 across (6) D?R?N? Bold lover,...
9 across (9) D?N?M?T?R Electrical machine with two armature windings. 24 across (5) A?T?L Russian workers` guild. 25 across (9) Popular name for french chalk S???S?O?E. 15 down (8) ?Y?O???P. Hard...