Why doesn`t Cameron stop wasting his time and boring us all to death with his farcical talks? We all know that there isn`t the slightest chance of him achieving anything worthwhile (he isn`t even...
9 across (7) T?P?I?? First-class fare may be enhanced by its addition. 4 down (6) R???E? Rook and white bird are in sorry state. The answers look obvious (tooping and ragged) but I don`t get them!
We are registered with the Telephone Preference Service which seems to have stopped most calls. However, there is one very persistent caller which goes on about a Government scheme for subsidising the...
1down(8)D???I?L?Pass securing science place for some teacher`s student. 2down(7)S???T?RChap with pistol people run away from as quickly as possible. 10across(9)????E?O?TPerson to blame as head`s...
33 across (10) ?I?O?I?I?M Metal in the lanthanide series which can be used to make control rods for nuclear reactors due to its ability to capture thermal nuetrons. 44 down (7) T?I?L?S In campanology,...
9 across (6) A???E? Declared a verse outstanding. 25 across (6) A?T??? Engaged in change of course in storm. 5 down (8) ???T?W?D Upheld agreement to marry after wife`s demonstrated subservience. 26...
29 across (5)(4) ?T??? B???. Joke weapon. 9 down (9) M?N?E?U??. Someone or something in pictureC. 11 down (5)(8) S?I?E ?R???O?E.Minstrel booed off because of instrument. Looks like an anagram but I...
19 across (6) ???I?L ? networking - communicating online via services such as Twitter etc. Social?
16 down (7) I???A?O Type of berry with a high oil and protein content...