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4a One reportedly given money(about two pounds) (6) _ _ _ L _ D 23d Simple blend no good (4) _ E _ E If it's 'mere' - why please? 5d Flower cut from a plant (4) _ _ I _...
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10a Long-handled halberd (7) _ E _ EAXE or just _ _ _ E _ X _ Have I got 2d correct as Oregeny? (Period of mountain-building)...
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4a One reportedly given money(about two pounds) (6) 11a Arc light, maybe (7) R _ _ _ _ _ _ 25a Officer breaking perfect cover (7) S _ _ _ T _ _ 27a Lack of energy during race - finish last (6) _ _ _ R...
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4a Rock record left by king, among the best,left out(8) _ K_ O _ _ _ E 10a Leaflet rewritten to be clear(9) B _ A _ T _ _ _ E 26a Lose courage then judge Australia's first home in the outback(6) _ I _...
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21a - One gets written on a wall forbidding small girl to count in German (4) G _ A _ Just one missing - and it loks as if it should be simple - like me!...
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12a McCarthy, his lira splashed out for this wine(two words) L _ C _ R _ M _ C _ R _ S _ I...
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Party functionary in 1984 (6) _ B _ I _ N
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24a Revealed by Medusa to riddle of enlightenment (6) _ A _ O _ I Last clue - can anyone enlighten me please?...
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16a please - I have the rest; I think!(sometimes) Clue: Trams run along, confusing Brian Lane (4,9) _ L _ N / _ R _ S _ R _ N _...
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17a - An object or cosmetic used in making up, dressing, etc (8) T _ I _ E _ R _...
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23a ... with painter stopping doing baroque church decoration (7) G - A - I - O Is the answer loading or leading for 18d - both seem to fit the clue and the available "lights". Lead(ing)...
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Is the answer loading or leading for 18d - both seem to fit the clue and the available "lights". Lead(ing) would apply to the application of a weight (lead) - ie: "putting on...
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7d Driven home, a bird's put out. (4) _ _ _ T 9a A flower is no good. (4) O _ _ _ (oder?)...
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23a St Peter in penitence phase (6) _ E _ H _ S If it's "cephas" what doe it mean - I can't find it in a dictionary!...
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12a Diagrammatic representation of interactions (6) _ C _ M _ P 18d From the French for a skylight, screen or shutter (4-4) A _ _ T - _ O _ _ 25a New ??????, World Heritage village in Scotland (6) L _...
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I seem to be left with two clues that everyone else must have solved! 45a Suffering pins and needles in front of fire (7) A _ I _ G _ E (Perhaps one of the down clues are wrong - but all seem safe!)...
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26a Doing conversion for East End's currency (2-2-8) ? ? - ? O - ? A _ E _ E _ S...
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6d A slow stately hymn tune, especially of the Lutheran Church (7) C _ O _ A _ E
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9d C _ M _ D _ E _ T _ Humorous little piece...
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9d Winston clearly upset TV actor (6,7) _ O _ E _ T / _ A _ L _ L _ (Robert?)...

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