As the local authority are taking my money hand over fist, I decided to spend some myself. I intend taking the old one to the tip. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to it to make it safe from the...
Those damned yankies are pulling the plug on Piers Moron's telly show on CNN. Got tired of hearing a Brit being superior over gun control apparently A recent petition to deport him quickly gathered...
I thought I might try using Omega 3 fish oil capsuals. Yesterday in Costco they had Wild Alaskan Salmon Omega 3 fish oils. I think they are cold pressed oils. I didn`t buy them but am wondering now if...
Have managed to get two Pyrex bowls jammed together,tried tapping round them with a tumbler to no avail, has anyone any suggestions for separating them please?
I am rather partial to a fishfinger and tartare sauce sandwich or surimi crabstick and salad cream. I really wish someone would invent a salted caramel chocolate spread? What are your weird sandwich...
I have an awful lot of small snails in my tropical tank. Are they a beneficial eye sore, or do they cause problems? I don't really want to kill them.. But just checking they are not causing problems...
Well here is the issue now. I would guess the demise of Emilie and I's relationship goes back maybe about four weeks ago or so, when I was having trouble with Morgan, my ex. I had very strange...
Any recommendations for a hotel in Boston MA please. Less than £100 a night, if possible,don't mind if its a way out, so long as its near a station. Thanks...
I need to put a fence in and want to treat the posts so that they don't rot. I gather bitumen is now banned for this so what replaces it ? there are loads of products out there but they seem to be...
Although I work with computers, I actually train people on them.. I've never actually booked airline tickets online before.. I've just had my e-tickets sent to me.. But what do I do with them??...
I went to bed about 10pm and woke up at 10.30 as I thought I could hear my dog being sick downstairs. When I got downstairs he was lying on the sofa having what I can only describe as an epileptic...