1. Feel that you should respond to every comment they make when most often their comments aren't worth responding to, or there is genuinely nothing to say in response to it. 2. Forces you to laugh at...
Hello all, I have a problem. When in conversation with someone, or out with a group of people, I laugh without reason. It could be after a not-so-funny joke, or after a pleasantry is offered to...
He has a show on sometime this week, and all of the comedians i watch on telly he is the worse, with his non funny stories and he seems to have a constant leering expression!!!
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7622792.st m I saw and stepped over a 10 pence piece on the car park at Tesco tonight ... how much would have to be on the floor before you stopped to pick it up?
How old are you and how many hours a day do you spend watching television? With that, how many hours a day do you spend reading a book? Pure curiosity...
I've always been pedantic about getting the english language correct. I know that 'language' is an organic thing that, by it's very nature, evolves. Let's face it, we wouldn't like to be talking...
an idea from the US improv show, whose line is it anyway? setting: it is snowing, i am parked by a sliproad on a motorway, ran out of petrol, you pull up in a car and hand me a litre of petrol from...
all the ages in chronological order: prehistoric period: stone age bronze age iron age BC civilisation: ancient egyptian greek civilisation ? AD dark ages renaissance romanticism avant garde (though...
i haven't read chekhov's short story ward 6 but i've read will self's ward 9 from the quantity theory of insanity. just wondered whether ward 9 is a take on ward 6, at all? any allusions or...
i suspect someone here has heard of the common phrase "give me the 411 (or 114?)" after anticipating some juicy news. unfortunately this is not listed in my idiom dictionary. so, just wondered whether...
1. Who, according to parish records, was "slaine by Ffrancis Ffreezer? 2. Who said that she always gave money to charity for each fan letter she did not reply to?
Does anyone know the song that was played in the background as the teams were in the tunnel in the england v portugal match .. sounds like a black guy singing it and sounds like some sort of whistling...
Anyone know of any good indie albums that I could download? I love typical british indie bands like, the libs, hard-fi bloc party, the music, kasabian etc. I am just looking for some...
its a dance kinda chillout song with the lyrics, "like fire, breath fire, like fire, breath fire....its the fire the night" lol tahts all i can remember. very popular chillout song i think. any...
i heard this song yesterday in a store. i dont know what it called ro who its by, or even most of the lyrics. But i think there was a guitar and it was man, a bit of an indie song and the chorus is...