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18a. Pallas Athene or Pallus Athene? Could one of you classical scholars assist this ignorant old tar, please.
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Time again to match wits with Kate Mepham of the Daily Telegragh - to try and predict the four Link Words of this Week. The four words to be linked should be entered below by the first ABer to...
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25a. Accountant in China developing the bends - CHICANE. Is this a mistake, as there is not E in China or CA, one assumes the real answer should be CHICANA which it isn't... 21d. Looking to understand...
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Finished the cryptic, finished the general knowledge; can't finish the 'quick' one: 13a Deprived (6) could be 'barren', but that leaves me with 12d 'Set down' -e-l-ad. The nearest I can get would be...
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GK Fanatic
Octans ???? I'm stumped
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Pitch on a field? (6) - N - A - -
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Early form of human in Europe (3-6, 3)
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I know this is not really a quiz, but can anyone tell me who won the Soapstars Superstars final yesterday?
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I have found this crossword very hard today. 12d. Faddist (7) -----st 16d. MP's faction (5) -e-t-
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A short reminder that the object of the game is to predict Monday's Herculis link words (from Telegraph) with Saturday's link words given at the end of this thread. Rules and the method of points...
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sad to see mm's passing in the telegraph today....
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Nihilistic artistic movement of the early 20 century: (4) -a-e
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Yes it's already week 2 of the December links game, where it is hoped (and expected) that entries will achieve higher scores than those notched up in week 1, when the recondite pairing "Journal...
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Yes it's the beginning of another month, and time to launch the Herculis Link Game for the month of December. As all of you regulars are aware, ShamrockBlue is unable to continue in his administrative...
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Can you predict Monday's Herculis Link words , given Saturday's shaded solutions ? All are welcome to enter, whether it's your first punt or you're a seasoned campaigner. Hello to all Links game...
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Palace that is the Pope's cathedral church. (7) -a-e-a-
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Do you feel lucky ? Or inspired ? Can you guess Monday's links given saturday's shaded solutions ? Noboday has managed 4 out of 4 yet, could this be the week, and might you be the one ? We have an...
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Saturday comes round awfully quick these days. Many of you will know the drill already, for anyone new looking in, the idea is to predict Monday's Herculis link words based on todays shaded solutions...
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Yes it's that time again, week five of the fiendishly difficult guessing game. For those who've not entered before it's a chance to become an Answer Bank Legend, can you be the first person ever to...
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Stuck on 2. I think my letters are right, but maybe not. 7a Put on fire dropping temperature (8) -i-u-o-e 12a Butch embracing sweetheart closely (9) -e-n-e

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