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Still struggling with this Is one down big bucks 1 across catching birds at night using lights to confuse them . If big bucks is correct it begins with B?????L??? 5 down Plant manufacturing fuel 8...
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Why do we pamper drug addicts? They chose to start taking the stuff in the first place. Instead of prescribing them methodone to try wean them off, why not just lock them in a padded cell for a few...
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I've won an ebay auction and the seller won't complete - can I take small claims action? I've been watching a really nice car that has been listed on a few classic car sites at about £3.5 - 4k;...
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Melanie Phillips is pretty awesome. As Mark Thomas says: "I am constantly impressed by Melanie Phillips’ ability to type and wave a pitchfork and flaming torch at the same time." But...
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anotheoldgit Are we to believe all illegal immigrant's when they state that they are gay or that they also face execution or imprisonment because of their political leanings, or are they...
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. Now we have Tarts in the Tunnel The local shop has a sign saying No Dogs, If they tell Rover to leave can i sue...
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So I read in today's paper that a Bill was placed before the Ugandan Parliament to introduce the death penalty for homosexuality. In Britain, you have to find a different B&B. In Uganda, they want...
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due to the latest census will show...the takeover is finally happening..british people will soon become a minority in their own country..the u.k as we have known it has gone...
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vincent tabak has been charged with her murder.
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CB has turned into a sex scandal sextion tonight
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NazNomad reported ... you're not intelligent enough to be here doc, go back to CB
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Given a hard time on this section of AB without cause, as the tedious topic keeps cropping up constantly, Is there any need for it all?...
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Tradition? It appears to me that folk are so 'flexible' these days that tradition seems to have flown out of the window. Throughout my childhood, certain days meant certain happenings would occur....
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Check SAB. RIP?...
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What's the betting the missing clue alludes to Macbeth??
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Cant find the answer to No 10) across all I come up with is Custard Apple but that does not fit?
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anotheoldgit Were these 'Eco-Bulbs' bulbs worth their money even when they were subsidised? So what are your feelings now they are to cost 3 times as much?...
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Can anyone give me the four link words from Saturday. I have written them out somewhere and cannot find them
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anotheoldgit Elton John and his partner have become parents, with the birth (by a surrogate mother) of a baby boy. Last year in the Ukraine, they were turned down from adopting because...
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You and your anti English mates can celebrate now with a glass of organic lentil juice well done, you have full permission to look smug. There is a nation that can hold the world cup tomorrow v one...

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