To continue from Elvis. Is it only Coventry ( in a few chippys) that sell faggotts & peas. I dont live there but when I ask in our local chippys they look at me like I'm from outa space... Anyone else...
Stubbed toe really badly on the edge of the door on Sunday. Cant put weight on it, I can only use the side of my foot. It has bruised underneath the joint & up the front of my foot. Dont want to be a...
Any ideas as I have one to cook. The last time I marinated it over night & roasted it . We didnt like it & thought it was quite strong. I have been to to casserole venison as it is better. I dont want...
Hubby is sulking because he wanted to buy a sports car. I didnt say he couldnt. I just pointed out a few things like . 1. The expense. 2.4 year old daughter 3.He has two other hobbies that he does...
Hubby has had a summons to court. After we correspondd with the camera police stating stat we did not know who was driving the co. van at the time & they could not prove this by photo. The camera...
With all the talk of weddings. I was wondersing what colour your wedding dresses & bridesmaids (if any) were. Mine was champagne gold skirt with a green & gold lace top. Sounds vile but it worked....
I have no idea wher to ask this but. On Monday night at 9.18pm whilst watching prue eveil II partner & I both experienced a flash. Like lightening bright white flash in the middle of the room, only...
Why & how do i stop emails.(my junk blocker full up) they come to me but only have 1/2 the address correct. the part before @ says anything. Also I am geting load of deamon returned mail to people I...
I have no idea wher to ask this but. On Monday night at 9.18pm whilst watching prue eveil II partner & I both experienced a flash. Like lightening bright white flash in the middle of the room, only...
Did anyone see it last night or seen it before. Its Brandy (singer) as Cinderella a Chinese looking fella as The prince. Whitney Houston as the Fairy, A coloured step sister & a white stepsister & a...
Help... ?43 of charges on my credit card. I never received the stmt. They (goldfish) say I have to pay the intrest. Is this correct. Can I get out of this. Never not paid on time before. They say I...
Loud bang 4-5 weeks ago has caused very loud ringing in the ears. Unable to sleep at night, even with sleeping tablet & ovaltine. Have taken homeopathic remedy which didnt seem to anything. Just...
Best to have or just a good savings account? We have just found out we may have been miss sold a pension. Should we stop paying in. Can we complain? What do you think is the best way to save for the...
What exactly do they mean. My hubby (40) never wears a jacket. So how do I get arround this. Can it be any type of jacket ?? The hotel is Gran lopsean Villa del Conde Gran Canaria.
Hi ..does anybody know what this is as it popped up this mornning & took several cancells to get it to go away..If you do wher do I find how to get rid of it.
A friend has noticed her roof shifting & has had people out to check it out & been told she will also need the ceiling redone.?????. The insurance co. will not cover it. It is an x council...