Hi, Myself and my partner are planning to go on holiday towards the end of Aungust, and neither of us can decide where to go. We are looking for a beach-type holiday, but where the local area is also...
I need to know if you are able to put underground a electric supply thing. I will describe what it looks like. Its abour 40ft hight made from 2 wooden poles (like telegraph poles) with barbed wire 10...
Seem to have army (small one ) of ants in my kitchen, have put ant powder down at door but doesn't seemed to of helped, I know with the warmer weather and doors/windows open doesn't help either, any...
I am planning a relaxing holiday for august but unsure were to go. anyone know a holiday resort were it as clear seas on the beach and somewhere with not a lot of kids.
If I put rat poison out in my garden (for rats) and it is accidently eaten by our neighbours cat, can I be held liable or prosecuted if the cat subsequently dies.
i had a mirena coil fitted about a month back. at least once a month i check to see that the "strings" are still there (anyone who has a mirena will know what i am talking about) anyway...i can no...
House in a cul-de-sac has put an access gate in the fence into another road oh where their fence runs down. to have easy acces instead of walking round the block. Is this legal as they do not live on...
I was putting some tacks in the fence that runs between my & my neighb's house and he came out and had a go at me. saying ....Am I nailing HIS fence & I shouldnt be. Not to long ago the wind blew a...
Been trying to find an add. Anyone know London well. Think Ebay con. 7 Brentwood Crescent London W1 5RJ. When I look for this it does not exsist. Help TIA
I have to fill in this questionnaire so I thought I'd share :) How well do you look compared to 1998? How is your physical fitness compared to 1998? How is your nutrition and eating habits compared to...
They keep saying that this summer will be hot, but I don't think it will beat the summer of 76!1 That was the hottest summer on record, I believe and boy was it hot! Do you remember that summer and...