What is the easiest and quickest way to set up and print photos that are as that seen on the monitor?.My prints are always a lot darker than I would like. Thanks!!!
It's me, Dumbo again, I have two pc's networking through a Linskys router,I wish to add a laptop into the system(wireless)but I need to know the password and the KEY.both of these are I don't know...
In easy to follow stages how do I connect my wife's new HP laptop to the internet??? I have Windows XP connected to a Linsky router.Treat me like an idiot I'm not too proud!!! Thanks!!!
My wife has NEVER touched a computer but now says that she would like to get a laptop.What would you suggest as a good "starter" laptop and more importantly why?? Thanks!!!!
Recently I have been bombarded by unsolicited e-mails and by their headings they look as if they are of a sexual content.Is there any way these can be stopped without having to delete them one by one...
Is there any way that the printer settings can be changed to reproduce the quality of picture as that on the screen?Can these settings be previewed prior to printing to see if they are what is wanted?...