Please, Please, Please, Please does anyone know what the identity of music used to accompany the TV comments/complaints programme Points of View in the 1960's. It was a sort rooty-tooty trad jazz...
Trumpto, Chigley & Cambellwickgreen [sorry if I've mis-spelt those] were all neighbours to one another if I remember right. But was one a town & aimed at older children with another being a village...
I can't believe what I'm hearing, I've just heard on the radio that doctors have suggested that inorder to get rid of breast and ovarian cancer us woman should consider having them removed if there is...
Can anyone recommend some films they have seen recently, It would be good if one was a horror? I normally get two DVD's every Saturday night so I've seen loads! Ta
What is the profile of the average Answerbank user out there? I only ask cause we all seem to be male, scottish, footie and floyd fans not that there's anything wrong with that.
My favourite is the Irn Bru ad with the granny ram raiding her mobile buggy into the supermarket and the police with the stinger bursting her tyres. P.S. Viewers outside Bonnie Scotland may not have...
Why is it that some missing people cases get more media attention than others and who decides what cases are more high profile. Do the police know more than they let on at the outset or is it just a...
There's a beautiful blissed out d&b track that's several years old. The only real thing I have to go by is the vocal sample - from 'Taxi Driver' - Robert do Niro,saying 'Twelve hours of work and I...