Spoke to my girlfriend on the phone at midnight last night....she said that she had looked out of her bedroom window after hearing a rustling down by the bins....she saw the old lady from the flat...
Are there any stately homes or castles etc in England open to the public where you there are secret passeges.....I was always fascinated by the idea as a kid
Does anyone remember a game show where there was a a computer generated cat...They had to play computer games involving the cat.... it was on on a saturday, about 5-6ish It was on in...
Has anyone got any idea how Derren does his tricks, tonights show was really clever? lik guessin how much money was in peoples wallets...ive seen a lot of derrens stuff b4 and worked out...
As I got off the train this morning, the whole of Leadenhall Street/the market, Lime Street, Fenchurch Street and Eastcheap was cordoned off - do you know why???
I remember playdays as a kid, especially the Why bird stop....but what kinda bird is a why bird? It will make a lot of 20 somethings feel much better to know