The press has been hyping the re-opening of the LHC at CERN this week with an effective doubling of the energy of the proton.proton collisions. Yes it would be nice to think that the secrets of the...
//Paddy Ashdown has said: "The SNP has got one aim. They're are not coming south to help Westminster work. They are coming south as a Scottish raiding party to burn Westminster down and to make the...
I have been watching the Jules Holland Show for years. Lately I have come to the conclusion that in the perception of the global population of this planet, namely the people who are targeted by one of...
Are there any songs that ALWAYS make you well up, no matter how often you listen to them? I've got three. Emma by Hot Chocolate Cat's On The Cradle by Harry Chapin Alone Again (naturally) by Gilbert...
Has anyone watched this? I've recorded it, but have just read some of the write-ups and reviews and I'm not sure I want to go there (I'm a bit nervous about the bestiality). Any comments appreciated....
Bar one article in Nature which by the way stopped me breathing when I considered that scientists now believe that only once, a billion or so years ago did a tiny creature now known as a mitochondria...
When Hitler took over the Nazi Party the world did nothing. When he took over Germany and started invading his neighbours it was already too late to avoid another global conflagration that cost...
I need your advice guys, on whether to stay in a potentially doomed relationship. Basically my partner of 3 years and I are in the process of buying a flat. Everything has been agreed and it's now got...
The put down of intelligence and use of the mind in any way is so woven throughout the New Testament that one must finally conclude that people should strive to be stupid and unquestioning, and that...
This woman can’t work and is on incapacity benefit, but nevertheless has paid for multiple trips to Tunisia and can afford to send her husband money which he passes on to his family....
rather than nothing?
Why is there the universe, life, consciousness etc?
Can we concieve nothingness anyway?
And why is there not a philosophy catagory on AB anyway?...
My post on the Independent’s online site; Can someone explain to me why the idea that only English constituency MPs should be allowed to vote on matters affecting only the people of England is... /// She was recognised in the Diplomatic Service and Overseas...
with isis ,al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Abu Sayyaf, hamas, Hezbollah - to name just a few, with isis levant being at the moment the most vile, if thats the correct word to describe them, where are all the...
Saw the Daily Wail today and this featured. 1. Does QE2 become QE2 of Scotland? 2. Does Scotland become a Republic within the Commonwealth of which she is the Queen Bee? 3. Does Scotland invite the...
If so, can you explain how you decide who to vote for? Do you look at the parties' manifestos and see which one you agree with? And assuming they remain broadly the same over time, how do your views...
As we head towards the 2015 General Election, what are the factors that influence your choice? Is it personalities, policies, how your ancestors voted or something else? You may feel strongest say...