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how are you all? pitch black outside so i can't give a weather report. no doubt DT will do that later....
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Following the birth of my twins it seems that my c section was messed up with the membranes being left in, getting infected etc. I have now had to have further surgery to remove them and am looking...
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I now have three, didn't get that many when i was in the Brownies. x x
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...the inspiration for Old Mother Hubbard?
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Do you ever think of or look at a really common word, like fork and think, 'that's a really weird word'. Then you have to say it over and over until it starts to sound normal? Can't just be me!...
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That black & white square thingy underneath the latest Posts thing? Im asking as I remember reading about it being put on gravestones so you could access the dead persons life via a webpage, and...
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Did the AB mobile phone app ever get off the ground, I remember trying it out at Ibiza Airport last April but where is it now?
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Hi all you people "oop north" - please order some nice weather for us today until Sunday, we are coming to see you! Staying in Leeds. Going to Harrogate Show Thursday so hope it doesn't...
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I'm back! :o} Who's been misbehaving then! I've got my whip and my uniform on! :o} The sky is clear so some sunshine with a bit of luck! I had lunch with bensmum yesterday. She sends her apologies for...
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going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospitals, dying of nothing?
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Is it really Dick the Sh*t?
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people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal. Makes you think doesn't it?...
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And how are we all this morning? Up and ready for the day ahead I hope. Have Alba and Boaty been spotted yet cruising down the inland waterways somewhere near to where you live?
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Have I missed something or has Chatterbank suddenly had babies called seasonal and weather?...or have I just not noticed before today...seems a bit unneccessary to me ...just wondered....;-)
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Fantastic! Brilliant! Watched it here in Florida. Great match. Well done Andy Murray.
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My daughters have had a big sort out and we have 4 big bags full of very good condition, clean soft toys - we want them to go to a good, worthwhile home - has anyone got any estions? Many thanks...
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Got a coveted badge for..debating ???...oh no you haven't...oh yes I have...ohno you haven't...oh yes......:)☺☺☺
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I have an alarm clock that is the same make as the one in the clip. Mines is a different model and uses a slightly different method of wakening me up. My alarm clock is very efficient but being woken...
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Any ideas letters given and less than eight letters long... Waxed, we hear a cry..... Thanks for any help given.......
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Fit like the night? Fp...

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