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Ouch, they have a birthday today... one bite on each ankle and 2 on my arms... good job I have got cloven feet (Despite my wife used to say when she called me a daft old goat or a bloody devil) I dont...
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in a mo
When you look in the mirror what do you see ,for many years I would not look in to a mirror I would avoid them at all costs,it became an obsession with me I could never understand that we all age at...
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What is google earth ?
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We have at least three pairs of Blue Tips nesting in the garden, but my neighbour has Great Tits.
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Dee Sa
yes I could ask in the tech dpt but I prefer to ask Chatterboxers for an honest unbiased opinion[with apologies] Our computer is over 10 yrs old and on its knees, friends have bought a Toshiba...
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With the postage increase I was wondering about cards online. Does the recipient actually receive a card in their hand or does it get emailed to them? What if they do not have an email address? I do...
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...and its getting increasingly harder to get petrol..what would you do if you couldnt fill your car up???
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All kinds of comments are made about the dangers of smoking and in the previous thread on this I mentioned the historical argument. I make no apology for mentioning it again, as follows; In 1949, a...
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Hi all. How do I remove a skype user name from the drop down boxon the Skype sign in page? Many thanks. Alb...
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Will you be stocking up? Just seen on Facebook, Northants Chron reporting panic buying has started. Personally, I won't be because everything is in easy walking distance....
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is it the royal family ?steak pie ? can you name a few ??????...
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Went to Tesco yesterday and there were sliding plastic screens hiding the tobacco, is this the new law the government brought in? Cant see it making any difference to regular smokers IMO!...
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can anyone help with this x word as I know nothin of rugby at all, THANKS> 3-3 increase the rugby score --- t-y many thanks.
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Ok guys, here goes: 1. Have you ever been arrested? - 2 points 2.Have you ever been breathalysed? - 2 points 3. Have you ever been fingerprinted? - 2 points 4. Have you ever been in a police station?...
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Just for the last 2 or 3 nights I've experienced really bad break-up of my TV pictures. We've already switched to digital (I'm in the Yorkshire TV area)...............anyone else having problems?...
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I despair, I really do http://www.scarboroug...councillor-1-4377481#...
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They sent my Census form back! AGAIN!!! In response to the question: "Do you have any dependants?" I replied - "12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million...
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Could someone please tell me what a wage of £5 per week in 1938 would be equal to today? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
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I have never felt so thick for a long time whilst attempting the Sunday Express £1,000 Crossword. Is it just me or was it particularly hard today?
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Not as much i used to

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