Has anyone managed to finish / solve the anagram in the current issue of the Londoner please? My shaded squares are SKYNGPAW and this is supposed to be an anagram of a London area. But I think I must...
In common with most of my neighbours I enjoy feeding the wild garden birds which afford us a great deal of pleasure all of the year round. Of course I end up feeding the grey squirrels too and even...
I am dreading the day I lose my darling dogs, which will hopefully not be for many many years yet. Already I'm wondering what I would do when they die. Burying them in a pet cemetery seems reasonable,...
demand to have put in best possible containers 7,starts with b
having got up,put on a garment:old 4 startts with t
with a "hi there"smoothing things over 7 starts e
i have a large rabbit that needs a larger cage, i also have a very large avairy with around forty birds in it would i be able to put my rabbit in there at night time with the birds?
ok, i think i know the memory (192 mb of ram) and i know i need more but if u type memory card into ebay it comes up with a lot of complicated gobbledegook that i dont understand. help!!