I posted last week about my shower valve. Thought I'd sussed it, and I have in a way but its not quite right: On the advice of a plumber, I removed the non-return valves from each inlet of the shower...
We've all been there, crawling along at 20mph on the motorway and bikes are all passing between lanes 2 and 3. This morning I was in that situation sitting in lane 2 and I wanted to change to lane 3,...
We have just recently had a new bathroom installed and are having problems with the shower. The shower runns off a pump installed directly above the thank. It is the same pump (about 1 year old) as...
We are in the market for a camcorder and I could do with some help. I assume that the hard drive cameras are the way to go but how do you extract the film? Is it via a PC and burn onto a DVD? Also, is...
Is there a limit on how many 30 sec samples you can listen to?
I have just listened to some then the next one I clicked on did everything but play the tune
Our 5 month old son is struggling to sleep through. He is on solids and taking them fine along with his formula. We usually get him down by about 8pm Theres just something that makes him wake at about...
It is now over 6 months since an alleged speeding offence and no summons has been issued to me. However I was issued an NIP at about 5 months after the alleged offence and it was returned to them with...
Blimey, anyone know of a good company to rent an washer/dryer from in the Middlesex area I put it into Google and there hardly any out there, and the one that is listed is just a website that...
Our Son who is 16 weeks, has taken to rolling onto his side at night. He can't roll over yet and I'm just a worried about what would happen if he did roll over onto his front in the night. Sorry, I'm...
Our Son is 15 weeks and our instincts are telling us that he is ready for solids. He is interested in our food, we can't seem to fill him and where he used to sleep through, he now needs a feed. We...
We live on a street where there are terraced houses all with very small frontage. Parking is mostly on street. I have worked out that if I removed the front "garden" we would just about be able to get...
Is it me or are air hostesses getting less and less classy? I remember when I was younger, they used to be amazingly beautiful, now they seem to be really sour faced old hags.
Got a NIP in the post last month (4 mths after the alleged offence). It was not me who was driving but they had my name down wrong so I corrected it and sent it back but I have just received another...
Anyone know a good place that I can get some baby t-shirts printed. I want a picture on the front and some text on the rear. Ideally I want to do it via the net.