I have a court order settlement that states that the property is to be transferred into my name and my ex husband will receive ?8k. I have a mortgage offer and my conveyancing solicitor has sent all...
I want to take my husband to court and represent myself as i dont qualify for legal aid and i cannot afford solictors fees for this, where do i start i need to get the ball rolling and fast, do i...
Im really worried and some may say im being silly, but my son has only just turned 11 and he has a mobile phone not as i like to add my choide my my husbands who im seperate from got him the mobile so...
can anyone advice/help me. to cut a long story short..... i split from my husband in 2005, we own a home together, (both our names on mortgage and both work). he moved out i stayed in home with our 3...
I bought a car last year in very good condition privately off a man, i like to add im a female. I test drove it etc, and was happy with it. Just before christmas i had a accident whereby i was lucky i...
I have recently found out my partner of 1 year cheated on me with his ex and mother of his son (who he has custody of). its so hard to understand why becuase we click so well together have great and...
If you suspect your partner has been unfaithful with their ex, and have been told by the ex that this happened, and have been warned about this ex (by family, friends etc)that she is devious and...