Has anyone else come close to smashing in their TV set when that Norwich Union advert comes on? I don't think even Linda Barker can compete in the irritation stakes
There was a song released in the mid nineties (I think) which was by a female duo and the video was a grand black and white affair. The tune was pretty orchestral and got fairly high in the charts. I...
On amazon.co.uk, there are a few versions of the Rob Dougan album Furious Angels. My question is, which one contains the Clubbed to Death song heard on the Matrix? There are two different versions, is...
Fancy a go at my little film quiz I've just made up? Name the films these lines are from: (1) 'Pick up the gun, Zed. I want you to pick it up. You want that gun, don't you Zed?'. (2) 'We're all...
There is a great new dance track out with a womans vocals, I think its by a group called Jameson or Jaimison, can't find them on the web can anybody help?
there is an advert shown in the uk where a girl is drinking a diet pepsi on the train, with another guy reading a paper on the train. i wanna kno what the song playing in the background is. its a good...