For me, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, The Water Babies, Brothers Grimm and Hans Anderson's fairy tales, and one my lovely friend at church gave me and with which I... "Farming is vital to our rural economy and communities. From the Upper Dales to Great Ayton, from sheep to dairy to arable, through Auction Marts...
I have developed a row of about seven or eight small fluid filled blisters along my left collar bone, a couple of which have burst and produced clear stuff which has crusted over. OH tells me there...
My nephews dog a beautiful collie under 4 years old has aspergillus has anyone heard of this ? It’s a fungal infection that is eating his nose and spreading looks horrid. It is being treated by expert... the Proms - I know there are a few fans of the genre here & since Lynne introduced me to it, I count myself as one, though I'm still (& guess will always be) muddling through... Anyway, if...
I have my grandson over, we are watching CBBC. The program is about a dancing studio. (the next step) All very shows two lesbians kissing! Is that really in children's TV these...
I recently bought some figs that were a different variety to ones I've gotten previously. They felt a bit hard do I left them out for several days before trying one. Though a deep purple skin, the...