I heard on the radio yesterday that a website where Liverpool fans could vote for this seasons best player has been hijacked by Manchester united and arsenal fans leading to mario balitelli (sp) being...
David Dimbleby replied to Nigel Farage's comment on a left wing biased audience saying that an independent body had been chosen. This body turned out to be Poll Company ICM who are linked...
Not sure what topic to put this in but as its a general query maybe here is as good as any...
How much would you expect to pay a person to do a spot of house cleaning a few hours a week...please....
I have the weirdest phobia in the world because I am the only 1 person in the world who has my phobia. Woody is an animated character from Toy Story films. He is a pull string cowboy doll. I am fear...
I do not want to replace it as it is the old style heavy guttering. My initial thought was to have it repainted glass black as always has been the case. Builder climbed up to look and said it is...
To pay for all that they'll have to get it from somewhere, killing off non doms alone will cost £4-6bn! Looks like the tax and spend routine!...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-32166019 This was always touted as some kind of urban myth but it seems that it is true. Waitrose aids and abets the already too high house inflation problem. So...
My grandson 4yrs is going to his grandmas on good Friday, where she is having a small Easter egg hunt in her garden for him. Easter Sunday he is coming to my place, and don't want to do the same...
That fine upstanding actor, Martin Freeman appeared in Labours Election broadcast yesterday. This is the man who: Backed Arthur Scargill (whilst rejecting the Labour Party at the time) Sends his kids...
What on earth is going on here, is the Italian justice system really that bad?...
We have been glued to the Channel 4 broadcasts live from Leicester Cathedral today for the re-burial of King Richard 111. It was a lovely service, and although opinion is divided on whether he was a...