9 year old English springer, He's had a real strange night. Usually he just falls asleep like any dog but last night he just wouldn't settle. He was panting quite heavily...possibly due to the hot...
. The Beginning Genesis 1 . And God said , And God said , And God said, ...................... And God called , And God called , And God called, ................. And God saw that it was good, And God...
absolutely BRILLIANT according to a friend of mine who was there. Danny Boyle spoke to everyone and asked them not to video it or take pictures to keep it a secret. She said when it started she...
WHY DO women tennis players make such a loud grunt every time they hit the ball? If the act of hitting a ball is so difficult for them, perhaps they should stick to more ladylike pastimes such as...
How about a topic where people can whinge about whatever they want, thus leaving the rest of the site more upbeat? Any gratuitous grumbling (the Olympics comes to mind) would then be confined to one...
One of my tenants had a phone line fitted by BT four to five years ago, it was disconnected when they left one year later, the new tenants that are in there now want the phone line reconnected, they...
An older couple were lying in bed one night. The husband was falling asleep, but the wife was in a romantic mood and wanted to talk. She said, “You used to hold my hand when we were...
Im not new to sex! My fiance nd I have been together for a while, nd I'm completely comfortable with him seeing me nude, or having sex. I'm fine with any position we try except that I feel insecure or...
Who created Hell? My understanding is that it is not in the Bible. However it features strongly in the Qu'ran where it appears to be explicitly created by Allah (the Merciful?) to forever punish those...
My virginity was taken against my will at a young age. Though now I'm engaged to a wonderful man and we are sexually active. Since I never got the opportunity to share that moment of "losing...
The Answerbank radio show is finished. I have been contacted and told I have caused offence. The whole idea was meant to be amusing nonsense and I apologise for offence caused, although none was ever...
Ooh, I've just heard on the News ... Graham McDowell is doing well. I have £50 on him to win (cos he's sexy) I also have £50 on Miguel Angel Jimenez (is that right?) (cos he's sexy, too)...