Two stumping us today. 50 across : the name of the buck rabbit in Watership Down. We have ? l ? e ? v ? r ? v and 56across: the name of the US television host since 1982? We have L ? T ? E ? M ? N...
The last of today's tough ones which we really cannot fathom today.
12A Time for a charity : F?A? Day
Must be obvious to everyone else but not us today. Please help'
Having second thoughts about 45 A. - Worshipping another rain-god. Have ?D??I?G I think must be IDOLING but not really happy as cannot find the word in any dictionary. Any other views, please? Creakey...
The Telegraph appear to have made a snafu of this today with no clue for 17d and others musnumbered. I have A?B?T?O? which is probably ambition, so the clue could read ' aspiration after success or...
Have completed the all the words but do not know who the characters are in picture E. Think they may be guests on Never Mind The Buzz Cocks but we never get to see it. Can anyone help, please? Creakey...
Have all the answers but have not a clue as to who the celebrity person is. Has anyone identified ?
Would be grateful so can go off and watch the rugby. Creakey...