Can someone please explain to me 32a? (A little set cry of grief fills Pericles, for example). 'Diorama' is a little set, but I don't understand the rest!
33d Film showing end of Olympian run (T?E ?O?E? ?U?H). I thought it was 'The Gold Rush', but now doesn't fit with 47a. And 48d Defensive blunder by inexpert player is character forming (A?H?M).
23 ac Sibyl in error rises with me leaving before dad. -OL-SP- 23 D Chose back of a leaf to spread out --TED Opted? This would make 23 ac begin with OO 26 ac Term for smoochy lyric went in Spenser...
19d Curt historian picked up peaceful woman - a real pickup (7) ?IV?NER. Livener? (historian Levi, but whence the REN?).. Diviner? (DI, peaceful woman?)..... And 20a Conjecture informally about fare?...
21 across: Tapesdtry depicting river ebbing into marsh (7)
*O*E*I* Is it Gobelin - if so cant understand why
27 down: Bottom of the barrel (4)
*U*T Is it Butt?