Flourish of tragic hero is hard to follow (8) ?R?N?I?H Looks like it must be BRANDISH, but can't make it fit the wordpaly (unless BRAND is a tragic hero?) - any suggestions most welcome.
I have just finished it, but can someone please explain the clue to 2d 'Defeat showing superficial appearance to be irrelevant, at first' (4). LOS?. It must be 'loss' (defeat), but I do not understand...
Anagrams of childrens books . Can anyone please help with this last 2 . Teeth Ghoulish Henpencks Rule. 15/ Greening woo a earth nuba. No number of words specified. Thank you.
Two clues to go, but stuck! 10d Wow! Pastor is cross (4) REE?; and 8d Rab C's dispirited not having any wine (8). MAC?LE?S. I'm a bit partial to wine myself, but clearly not sufficient enough an...
13a Discuss being worried by endless financial problem (6) D?B?T?. It must be 'debate' (discuss), but can someone explain? I assume DEB(T) as endless financial problem, but how is ATE 'being worried...
OK, I just can't get this last one! 18a European capital and river found in gazetter (4) GRA?. Closest I can get is GRAY(' s almanac), but not convinced...!
I'm almost done, but can't get the bottom left-hand corner to gel. A little help would be most welcome! I think 9d may be the problem: Nuisance involving a disciple with three guys (11). I have...
I have been doing Times crosswords for years and regularly send in completed grids, but have never won the lottery of entries. Does anyone know what the odds are? (I used to take The Independent and...
I've really struggled with this today, and I need help on a few. 7d Attic's keeping out rain only to begin with - anorak's needed here. I want to put GEEK but can't see why and now I've got that in my...
Have completed it, but can anyone explain 48d What's involved in top command (6) ?E?E?T. I have 'behest', (command), with 'he' or 'eh' inside 'best' (top), but don't see the h and e...
I take The Times crossword to bed with me every night, (sad, isn't it!) and always manage to complete it. Sometimes I'm very late getting to sleep. Sometimes (like last night) there are questions I...
Thankyou, Bea, (and Shottsjimmy) for our long exchange earlier when I felt perched on a rock with this one! Having spent the afternoon working in the garden, I have been able to come in and complete...
I haven't got far with this yet, but am already stuck. 9d 'One stolen car chased by first of agents in Italian city '(7). I want it to be Ferrara, but I have F?S?A??, the 'S' coming from the end of...
Nearly there, but come to a standstill in top left corner. 3a would help, please: Levant dimly lit; Lebanon's first to be abandoned, beeing covered with climbers (10). Only letters I feel confident...
Our local small primary school had an adventure playground since 1995, but have been able to use it very little due to the six cats resident in the house next door and the condition the children...