1. Conspirators, or computer hardware devices (8) P???T?R? 2. Route to conflict? (7) ??r???? 3. Pay less for pay per view (7) P?e?i?? 4. Ringo tends to keep his nose to this (10) ?r?n?????e 5. A slap... ...
1. Sounds like dinah and michael are energetic and full of new ideas (7) D???M?? 2. Subatomic particle with a near zero mass (8) ?E???I?? 3. Alf rose and wore flat leather shoes (7) L?A?E?S 4. Dupe... ...
1. Nutter watches tasty conker (5,8) ?a??? chestnut 2. short father before national teacher could be deferential (8) ?t?e?e?t 3. he's been, or so we hear (5,8) ?o?a? a?k???o? 4. one from the... ...
1. Foul recipe from south east asia, or so we hear (7,6) ?????E? ????H? 2. could be college, district or register (9) E?????R?? 3. space for sleeping device? (7) B?????? 4. develops a secret (7)... ...
Stuck on these few! 1. Binge, gorge, pig out (7) O?????? 2. Breathed in and slept soundly (10) ?I???????? 3. From Japan to childrens entertainment (5) ??N?O 4. Jessica Parker or Michelle Gellar, for...
1. Superficial review from ancestral gift (2,5,6) 2. Israel itemises select group (5) 3. A turnip practicing a srtict moral code (7) 4. Seek this to be sure, to be sure (6,7) 5. Could be deviation,...
Obtain income from two different sources in an illicit way (6,3) D???L? D?P
Feeling apathetic or cynical due to ones life experiences (5-5) W?R?D ?E?R?...
1. (US informal) used to refer to a manoeuvre that can be performed within a small area or short distance (2,1,4) O_, A, _I_E. 2. Something that ties in, relates, or connects especially in a...
1. nearby spring? there'll be no shooting, so (5,6) c?o?e ???s?n 2. many a tree can sprint (4) d??? 3. anger with fragrance (7) ?????s? 4. vegetable dish for a little tournament winner? (5) ??a?p 5....
1. Will it look spruce after you do this? (5,3,4) 2. my career will develop in a dairy co-op (8) 3. you may create a peach platter, literally, when you totally destroy the status quo (5,3,5,4).... I...
1. Gins rehashed thus means many get fleeced here! (8,4) s??a?i?g ???d 2. grub from some cellar vaults. (5) l??v? 3. choose? there's no point! (3) ??t 4. let rascal cry out - it's perfectly...
11Across - Bird presenting a cutlery invoice (9) s???????? 18Across - A crop of headless caprines (4) ??t? 23Across - May you not pin it on if you are goodge? (5) ??d?? (thinking maybe "badge")...
1. Cleaning method for eastern european boots? (4,3,6) _ p _t, _ n _, p_ _ _ s _. 2. Irish logistics company (3) s _ _. 3. Irelands foremost research and scholarship organisation (1,1,1) r _ a. Many...
head protector for crimean battle (8) ??l?????a a sort of sunday lunch (5) ??a?? breaking the rules is encouraged with this licence (6) p????? hornet beloved of royalty (6) t?r??? capital of america...