3d either of two fighters (8) ?u?l?i?t 4d metric weight (4) ?I?o 5d quickly take (6) ?n?t?h 6d gin or vodka based cocktail (3,7) ?r? m?r?i?c 7d offend (7) ?f?r?n? 15d trunk large storage box (5) c?e?r...
Another time, I am stuck on this one. I have all the other solutions in the magazine but not this one. Verminous bird (6 letters) Breakfast fish (6) Light a fire (6) Uses your noodle! (6) Puts up (a...
I am stuck on these: 11ACROSS Public Call Booth (5,3) 12ACROSS Legumes (4) 28ACROSS Easy prey (4,6) 2DOWN Strip of Wood (4) 4DOWN Arch used in croquet (4) 5DOWN On dry land (6) 19DOWN Screen,...
Glad to be home. Sick of the rain. Had a good run home, caught up on everything, washer on twice. You know how it is when you come home from a few days away.
hi I am doing question time in issue 14 but the answer's that are left don't make any sense help please quest ion is gesture of respect shown by ladies to members of the royal family answer's left are...
Can somebody help me find out the missing vowels (a, e ,i ,o , u), so I can solve this puzzle better. I think I got it a bit wrong. Which vowel does number 23 stand for?
I needed still answers for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 24 SPOILER ALERT - HERE'S WHAT I THOUGHT WAS RIGHT: 1 PULL-UPS 7RUNAWAY 9 GET-TOGETHER 10 ELAN 12 OPENER 16 OVERDONE 17 CASHIER 19...