Going to have to hand-deliver this one tomorrow evening in order to meet the deadline and am unable to work out one clue. The "competition" between me and my husband's brother and wife is...
Has anyone a spare or unwanted unique number please? the one which should have been in my Sunday Weekend Mag is missing -presume stolen!! By the way, I was awarded a £5 Morrisons voucher about a...
4d Id split 26 in collision, say (8) ?C?????? and 22a Divine foods aroma is wafting around bishop (8) ?M???S?? and 7d Lots of idle drawings first daughter left (6) O???E? - thanks
20d Girl rings royal host (4)
A?M? I have thought ARMY for Amy & R for royal and also ALMA as a complete girl as I see no clue to give ARMY as a whole answer.. Help please...
7 dn letters to part of s africa following happy event. 1 word 9 letters ??????t?? 19 ac ronnie stupidly swallowed five nuts,green.1 word 13 letters ???????m????? 18 dn rising salesman used a mobile...
Struggling on last two.
3 down: Cut nothing in old record (3) L?P (I have come up with LOP, but am not sure)
11 across: Dismissed for a duck just occasionally (3) A?T...