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orange sky
...has anyone ever been? I'm going abroad for the first time in September with Club 18-30 and that's where I'm staying for a week. I just read reports and was horrified with what people have reported...
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tv or computer if you had to get rid off one what would it be ???and no you wont be allowed to watch tv on the computer ................. i would get rid off the computer rather have a tv ..
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we are picking up 2 females on Wednesday and need name suggstions, we already have Trinny and Susannah, French and Saunders and Kim and Aggie. We need more female double act names or other funny...
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I have been decorating our new house, we will be moving in next friday (hopefully) anyway where I live now (rough council estate) everyone is so nice and friendly except the asbo's (ppl accross the...
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Where is it this year few nice days here and there but it generally been poo
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hi i thought I would let everyone on here know that i had my little boy on Tuesday he was 7lb 13 and i called him Ellijah Kye, he is such i good baby,never crys just really content,also just wanted to...
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In the Zapruder film, just after the head shot, Mrs Kennedy scrambles on to the rear of the limousine and a man seems to appear out of nowhere and jump onto the back of the vehicle. Who was this man...
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just been up to scotland and visited glencoe, wot a beautiful place, very atmospheric been the scene of that famous massacre. any thoughts?
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Have recently been the victim of unreasonable behaviour from upstairs neighbours (they rent - I have a mortgage), (lots of noise at night - 12am through to early hours of morning, ie. talking, heavy...
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On The Richard and Judy show this evening there was a feature called Funny 5 with Ed Byrne showing a web clip of a talking cat ,does anyone know how I could access it?
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My friend's dad is fostering a couple of dogs. One of them, a male, was abused, s*xually, by a human. This led me to ask, what the **** is wrong with people? Some things are just truly unforgivable :(...
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I am not having much luck with my animals of late. My ginger tom went missing 3 weeks ago, he used to just disappear for up to a week - and I thought he was being fed somewhere else as he seemed very...
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reading that next month many employers are planning to stop workers having smoke breaks. apparently there is nothing that employees can do as its not illegal to restrict them from having smoke breaks....
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AB Asks
No longer is it just Demi Moore and Madonna who are dating the younger man it is older women in general. Women are now doing what men have done for years ? going for the mate they find most...
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Who follows this regime, and what sort of doseage is recommended? I am 39 years old, female & somewhat overweight. There is a history of heart diseaese in my family so I want to prevent this as much...
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Doc Spock
it will be mothers day. How many babies will be born on mothers day 2008 ? In other words, how was YOUR day.
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Another Gurkha, this one badly wounded fighting for this country, banned from coming here for medical treatment. This counties treatment of Gurkhas is digusting, makes me ashamed at times like this to...
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How do i attract a hedgehog into the garden to eat the pesky critters. We dont have any pets and we live in a rural south west town, we have a big playing field at the bottom of the back garden, the...
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I made some muffins and the paper holders got all stuck to the muffins. I mean almost welded! The muffins were fine apart from this. How can i stop this happening?
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my pal has been diagnosed with diabetes would it be classed as a disability could he make a claim thank s

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