Last one. 15d: Bloomer by model eating hot carrageen. (5,4) -r-s- m-s-. Solution looks like IRISH MIST - a sort of Bailey’s? Cannot quite parse, although IRIS (bloomer) H (for hot) and T (model) all...
Can’t parse this last one: 22ac Eager one with speed of light entering event. (7) I-C-I-G. Must surely be ITCHING - but apart from definition, why? Thanks...
Help with parsing, please. 1d: Implement - it is inspiring me to collect last of fondant. (7) Must be SPATULA. I get the T within PAUL, but how does the S A fit with the parsing? Thanks...
I’m still puzzling over last week’s Guardian Prize. 13 ac: Diverge, argue, make up - friends at last, eternally. (3,5) With the letters I’ve got, has to be FOR KEEPS. I get the fork bit ... and...
Help with parsing, please. 17ac Vocal prompt expected soon (2,5) I- s-g-t. Presumably IN SIGHT, which would suit as a definition, but can’t see how it works. Is vocal used to mean ‘sounds like’?...
Stuck on top LH corner:
1ac Financial Center starts to crash in third year. (4) C- - -
2d Insect finds it hot in fall. (5) - - R - P.
Don’t know of an insect called ‘dhrop’ !...
Help with parsing, please. 2d Scale a scale, short of the bitter end. (6) -s-e-d. I’ve got ASCEND, but can’t see apart from the definition. 14d 7 in 7, everything originally from a European City....
..and just can’t see a word- except crossrail, which ain’t right at all. 6d: Padding delicate area, knotted rags ribbed fabric. (9) -R-S-R-I- Thanks...
18d. Decent English queen caught in a tryst (8) A?E???T?. ADEQUATE fits the def, and see the EQ, but is duate or aduate a tryst? Can't find online. 24 ac Herb said to make basis for sauce. (4) R?U?...
Puzzle complete, but 1ac Charlie's ban on banter, perhaps ...(7) must surely be with the letters I've got HALFWIT. Can see definition, and wit = banter, but how can half = ban? Thanks, in advance, to...
Have completed the puzzle, but would like to know how to parse two of the themed clues: 22ac Exceptionally large.(7) 23ac Nice setter right to carry up PCs etc (7) Both are celestial bodies and I get...
Am about ready to fill in grid, but can only see two places for three-letter words - both across, mid grid. But there are 3 clues requiring 3 letters. Any help, please?
"Extremely cold chest", Mark said. (6) -r-t-c. This surely must be ARCTIC, but can someone parse for me please? The only thing I can think of is that an arctic must be a brand/ mark for a chest...
4d. Swallow, bird coming up after rook and gull, say? I have CONSUME - emu reversed after CON = rook. But anyone know where the 's' comes from and how gull fits into the parsing. Thanks.
10ac: Beginning to snuff candle, having turned round meal. (6) -e-a-t. I assume
it's REPAST (meal) but cannot see how on earth to parse that. Any ideas? Many thanks....
8 AC: Keen to be shot of a bore. E-E-. Have seen this answered as EGER (eager without A), which I'd also worked out, but cannot find this word online, except in a Hungarian dictionary or name of...
26 AC: Ancient song? I resume music playing most of money (5,2,6,2). Looks like SUMER IS ICUMEN IN, which is the most frequently used spelling. But cannot quite make the anagram fit and get stuck with...