10 across candid persons innuendo (8) O???????
11 across Sweetheart in love cheers demoiselles(7) ?????T?
15 across RAID cones to nothing in battlr(5) ???A?...
Help with parsing, please. 1d: Implement - it is inspiring me to collect last of fondant. (7) Must be SPATULA. I get the T within PAUL, but how does the S A fit with the parsing? Thanks...
I’m still puzzling over last week’s Guardian Prize. 13 ac: Diverge, argue, make up - friends at last, eternally. (3,5) With the letters I’ve got, has to be FOR KEEPS. I get the fork bit ... and...
Help with parsing, please. 17ac Vocal prompt expected soon (2,5) I- s-g-t. Presumably IN SIGHT, which would suit as a definition, but can’t see how it works. Is vocal used to mean ‘sounds like’?...
3d Decent result of spring cleaning (3,2,5) I had the letters N?T ?O ?U?T? ... is it NOT SO RUSTY? also 12a Wet grass (4) ?E?D ... I can only come up with WEED as a possible double definition but am...
Stuck on top LH corner:
1ac Financial Center starts to crash in third year. (4) C- - -
2d Insect finds it hot in fall. (5) - - R - P.
Don’t know of an insect called ‘dhrop’ !...
I’m stumped by:
5D Bird found around rocky crag, lone duck (8,5)
Maybe some form of goose but there I have no idea. Any help most welcome.
Thanks, E...
Just a couple to finish
Kiss one of two kissers wearing very large bloomers (6)
Fantastically fine and super, do extremely delightful (13)
Thanks in advance...
Help with parsing, please. 2d Scale a scale, short of the bitter end. (6) -s-e-d. I’ve got ASCEND, but can’t see apart from the definition. 14d 7 in 7, everything originally from a European City....
..and just can’t see a word- except crossrail, which ain’t right at all. 6d: Padding delicate area, knotted rags ribbed fabric. (9) -R-S-R-I- Thanks...
18d. Decent English queen caught in a tryst (8) A?E???T?. ADEQUATE fits the def, and see the EQ, but is duate or aduate a tryst? Can't find online. 24 ac Herb said to make basis for sauce. (4) R?U?...