Is anyone else experiencing time-outs on thissite when trying to find pages within a forum, or is it just me? It's driving me insane. Only seems to happen here.
When I got my dog, Ben, from a rescue home last year, he was black and white. His coat has gradually changed and he is now virtually grey and white. He is jus over 4 years old. Would being neutered...
Because of the stuff that is put into tins of ham, we buy ham on the bone. Does anyone know whether nitrites are used in the ham on the bone cooking process?
Further to my earlier query re. transferring a domain name, I have been told that my domain name does not necessarily have to be with the host for my web-site. Anyone can confirm this?
To cut down on shopping trips, we freeze our milk in the 4 litre plastic bottles. What I would like to know is which thaws first, the water content or the fat content?
Thanks in advance.
Somebody, I forget who, gave me a bottle of Veterano Osborne brandy at Christmas and I am just coming to the bottom of it. Where can I buy more of this lovely spirit in the Uk? There has been an...
I heard recently that motor-bikes now have to have their lights on regardless of the time of day. Is this really true? I see lots of them riding without lights.
Is everyone aware, that although not stated in the newspaper, entrants are required to include their telephone contact number when submitting puzzles. If you send for the rules, this is made clear.
My daughter's Westie has just had to have major surgery costing over ?700 to remove an obstruction from his intestine. It seems he was given a toy to play with and, unknown to anyone, swallowed both...