I've seen a few minutes of a docu on String theory one morning (before having to leave for work). This show has been bugging ever since, so can someone explain String Theory in a nutshell,...
Didn't know whether this should be a science or people/places question, but anyway.... I wondered about this after reading the Jonathan Coe novel The Rotters Club (currently being televised) which...
If the sun was magically removed in a split second it would be five minutes before it got dark on earth. When would we feel the effect of gravity, imediately or in a few minutes?
I accept the theory of evolution but am confused as to how dinosaurs fit into this given that they inhabited the earth for approx 150 million years? can someone give a semi-basic explanation- no...
Does anyone out there know of an easy way to remove old tile grout - is there any way of softening it to make it easier to remove. I bought a grout remover saw like gizzmo but it hardly...
What is the name given to those posters that display one image and with a little softening and staring, present another image? All the rage about 10 years ago. I've tried 'Eye twisters',...
Here's one for you! We say dogs bark,cats meow,horses niegh etc. But what do other countries say what noises an animal makes? I don't mean a translation of the word,but what it actually sounds like in...