For the past few weeks I have felt like there is something stuck in the back of my throat,its starting to cause me trouble when swallowing now and is keeping me awake at night as I feel like i'm... ds/7056118.stm "The attack happened as Jamie was playing in a side road with his friends. It is understood the dog, which was from a house nearby, was...
This violent scumbag attacked a 96 year old man for no reason and was filmed doing it,how the heck can the judge get away with giving him a 3 year supervision order? I would think any one with half a... tid=6447777 Is two years each a long enough sentence for these boys? I personally think they should have gotten longer,they'll be out in about a year so...
Is an ASBO enough to stop this man being a menace? Should he have been ordered to attend rehab as well? I don't think the ASBO will stop him as alcoholics don't really think logically....
Can anyone tell me what saturation diving is? I have googled it and the links were either unclear in their definition or outright contradicted each other. TIA
Some of you may have seen the posts where I have mentioned that my next door neighbour beats his wife...Well to cut a long story short he had a stroke at the weekend and is now paralysed down one...
Has anybody here ever had a pig as a pet? I am thinking of getting one of these: 97.stm If anyone has any experience of having a house pig I would...
I have just got back from parent's evening at my 10 year old son's school and am in a bit of shock. He has been placed on the Able,Gifted and Talented register. He has a reading age of 15.2 years and...
My daughter just phoned me as she is very concerned about a friend of hers who is an alcoholic and is diabetic. This woman has severe yellowing of the skin and the whites of her eyes and also has...
After a conversation with my pregnant 18 year old daughter about the age of consent I wondered what other peoples views are. If you are legally allowed to have sex at age 16 here in the UK,why are you... 17948.stm Maybe the system should be changed to stop people like this defrauding the taxpayers. It would be easy to insist that a birth certificate was... /news/news.html?in_article_id=483974&in_page_i d=1770 The kid in the article was in the wrong here but he didn't deserve a beating with a metal bar. What...