What are your reasons to be cheerful right now?
Mine are:
The weather is set to improve on Friday.
I'm having a vodka and fanta lemon with a wedge of lime.
My lasagne went down a storm. :-)...
Do people take a lend of you? or can you generally read the situation? I am not a good judge of character and always end up getting sh!t on, does this happen to you, or are you generally correct about...
Evening all,
Are we well? I just thought I would pop in to say hello and see how everyone's evening is going.
How do we all pend our Wednesday nights then?
All the best,
Spare Ed...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8269837.stm Nick Clegg has shunned talk of deals with other parties in a keynote conference speech and instead told Lib Dems: "I want to be prime...
Can you think of any pirate/sailor songs? Its for halloween so any halloween or creepy themed songs might be handy too. We are going for a cockney/sweeney todd sort of style so think of all those...
You know how boring this site has got since knobby and legend have got perma banned Bring em back bitch Mon due they wont be the same without whiffey to fight with Ed you are a fooking twatt and I...
http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/129056/Wanted-Gay-lesbian-and-transgender-gunguards-for-the-Queen Why the hell does it matter if the Queen's guard is made up from women, lesbian, gay,...
Does an employer need my consent to video record my working practices? Under the current climate and the way my employer is treating myself and my colleagues, I do not want to help them. The purpose...
Anyone got one as big as Socrates? He's bigger than both my moggies put together.
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20090922/tuk-boy-four-dies-in-somerfield-supermar-45dbed5.html Should this boy have been swinging on a rail inside the supermarket? Is it not the fault of the parents in...
Good morning Dan Thanks for your post - I must admit that the humour of your post did entirely pass me by - an occupational hazard of written communication between strangers. Your apology is accepted...
Just read a terrible story in an expat publication. A black labrador bitch was hung from a tree and left to die slowly from exhaustion and asphyxiation whilst she tried desperately to free herself....
Disappointed. If all you want left is a handful of old ladies that post on chatter bank and annoyingly in every section, simply because they are bored with nothing to contribute then carry on. It's...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1215023/School-teacher-Helen-Goddard-jailed-15-months-lesbian-affair-teenage-pupil.html Why was this Teacher treated so lenient regarding further contact with...
Fancy being sent into a balistic temper in about ten seconds? Just ring 150 and listen. BT have heard that a Scots accent is perceived as wam and welcoming, so they've employed a woman who souonds...