Bit of a mess made today so help definitely needed 1A It's reflected in cheap plastic imitation (8) 5A 100 Irish coppers ring for entertainment (6) 7D Stormy sea region within limits of Canadian...
“Time”of any length is related to the clues and answers.
So how about this one?
Tired men in need of a meal. Answer has 10 letters.
Thanks in advance for your help......
Please if anyone could help me i need the numbers from wednesday. From the daily mail golden boxes i would really appreciate it if anyone can help out thankyou...
1A Stae's main part - officers briefly guard it (4,7) 12A Superior officer cuts remedy for tillage (7) 15A Fish initially occupy low part (5) 25A Surrounding adjacent quarters within range (7) thank...
Does anyone have the today’s numbers for Golden boxes pease have to wait for for delivery and not sure local shop will still have papers if it’s late
Thank you in advance...
Good morning please.
4d..plays by Synge provoked a lot of this..O?P?O?R?U?
15d..if you go this you suddenly become very angry >>??L???T?C
Many thanks....
4D Toner hue varies at the bottom of this document, say (8) 14D Persians produce this crop aound odd parts of iran (5) 24A University stock car? (6) 16D International rail service routes are not all...
24 A. Cunning hunter entered with caution. 6 letters. 18 D. Point raised about layered part played 5 letters. 27A. Strange twisted and defaced object. 5 letters. Thanks in advance for any help