What is the rule on how to get onto Eurovision? My mate thinks it's impossible for a big band like U2 to do Eurovision as they are already famous. He says that only armatures are allowed entry. I'm...
I live in a village and apparently BT will not convert our exchange to ADSL unless they got 200 'promises'. So another company called Pipemedia has agreed to put in all the ADSL equipment if it gets...
Holidays are here and i now have to get some summer work ..... but i get so bored of the lunches i end up taking ... any suggestions anyone? It could be sandwich fillings, different salads, pasta...
Does anyone know of a software application which measures distances of routes - not car journeys - but more for hillwalking i.e. perhaps where you plot the route by drawing with the mouse on a map...
Following on from Brawburd's question below does anyone else think it might be time to make voting compulsary unless you have a valid reason? As far as i am aware this is the case in a few European...
I've recently found out that I'm pregnant for the first time. Now I'm relying on all you Answerbankers for some good advice. Things like remedies for morning sickness, what I really need to buy and...
This issue seems to get swept under the carpet. i'm sure it must be illegal but millions do it. Maybe we should ask a dustman.?. Something that needs stigmatising, it is a crappy habit it all goes...
This has probably been done before but what is your favourite line from a song? Mine is 'Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street' by Joe Jackson.
When i got a C.B. - needed a licence, TV, need a licence, radio when it first came out, cars of course, boats, even fishing rods, dogs also used to need a licence.. did govt. miss out on a little...
We want to erect a 3ft picket fence around the boundary of our front garden. I have checked with our local council that we do not need planning permission. However, our house deeds state that no fence...