Passengers and crew have been rescued from a cruise ship in the Antarctic after it struck an iceberg. About twenty passengers who were dining at the captains table refused to leave and insisted the...
Watching all the news reports and press conferences, reminded me of other somber announcements in the past. The death of King George V Edward VIII abdication speech Neville Chamberlin's War...
O dear - so England hasn't qualified for the European finals I'm not particularly interested in football - however I do feel moved to make the following observations. Should the England Team's motto...
How can we best form an opinion of what is really going on in Britain, and the real state of affairs in our country? I've come to believe that the statistics trotted out by politicians are...
As above really... put the washer on and after a while i went into the kitchen and i could smell a slight burning smell near the washer- i touched the plug for some reason and it was quite hot i...
my boyfriend divorced his wife 4 years ago. at the time he owned a house, a taxi and a stack of flats. when he got divorced he claims that he lost everything and didn't end up with a penny. even...
why do high school kids think that rap music is real life. it is just unreal that kids think that everything they see and hear in rap music and rap videos is what real life is all about. rappers are...
Hi all please help. Me and my partner were driving down a quite country lane with our son on a lovely sunday morning in June. We got stuck behind a car driving at about 35-40 mph in an national speed...
So the latest statistics announced today that around 590,000 people immigrated to the UK last year. I wonder how many of these were actually qualified in one profession or another to benefit the...
its sad that you didnt include the OTHER option in your poll... you forgot to mention the locals... you didnt give the locals the right to have a house !!! unless im mistaken, you have set a multiple...
After losing our little Alfie rabbit a few weeks ago, we decided to adopt a rescue rabbit to keep our lady Petal company. We have adopted a lovely doe, Hazel,who has recently been neutered by the...
I've got a new computer because the old one packed in. I had an email account via outlook express. Can I get access to those emails somehow using the new computer?
Do you think it would be a good idea to bring all our men back from IRAQ, and put them on the streets of Britain to help the under manned police force sort out these so called hoodies making peoples...
I'm trying to get back into fishing after a 10 year absence. I'm based in Widnes, near Warrington. Anyone know of any good fisheries (I believe the Clink has a wait list for next year's membership!)...
i keep getting a message saying internet explorer has encountered a a problem and needs to close down. then goes to my desk top, its happening more and more, (been going on for about a week now) and...
With the Virgin repair question in the news and below, I was wondering should the NHS exclude things that are not necessary generally? (or charge as if private) eg 1 - Fertility treament 2 - Tattoo...
There is a horse in a field its owner is not known it has no shelter,no coat and the field is running low on grass, passers by feed it as i do, .What is what is the minimum legal requirement for a...
Am I the only person who feels annoyance and anger about the range of devices and computers that recognise only certain formats? Especially when it comes to +R or -R and +RW or -RW. If starting from...