They always say they want more done to combat climate change but there are never any specifics. Looking at most of the banners you see on the marchers it seems its more about socialism and anti...
When people are testing themselves at home with the lateral flow tests are they then submitting the results to the authorities, if so why? If you feel the need to isolate after the test then do it but...
I have no-one to vote for at the moment as all three main parties have been taken in by greta and her ilk and are determined to career down a path of eco poverty and industrial destruction. I thought...
When are the bbc going to let it drop. Saving the planet, climate change, carbon footprint, carbon neutral etc etc. Its infiltrating all types of programs on the BBC, news, documentaries nearly every...
It's about time, it went on far too long when the rest of the country is opening up. Shouldn't be a problem anyway as there are record job vacancies, so there is no excuse to stay on benefits....
With gas prices going through roof and being held to ransom by foreign governments its absolutely ludicrous that we are not making the most of the shale gas under our feet. Ignore the idiotic eco...
They have caused chaos for long enough and compared to what's going on in Afghanistan, they just look like spoilt middle class brats. Why can't the police move them by force if nessasary?...
As far as I know, her only disability is a her left hand and the handle bar of her bike has been adapted to suit. Shouldn't she be competing with able bodied riders? It doesn't seem fair on the...
If so do you invite people round to share it with? I would find it rather creepy sitting in it half naked with friends or neighbours. I never would, I wouldn't feel comfortable....
Everyone knows there is a shortage of social housing so how will they be housed unless they are pushed to the front of the queue in front of those that may have been on the waiting list for years?
With wages not keeping up there must come a point where first time buyers can no longer afford to get on the property ladder, consequently those who wish to sell cannot move up, so the whole thing...