I've just received a letter informing me that my benefit will be increased by April. Since when has old age pension been classified as a benefit? I have paid out for National Insurance... ...
I have just calculated that my four children, my wife and myself pay £10,000 a year council taxes. That is madly excessive in my opinion. Comments welcome.
Now rife with bombastic, and opinionated keyboard warriors. Negative and aggressive, insulting and downright offensive. This was once a pleasant and helpful site, now it's a verbal moan fest. Some... ...
I have just been told by my sister that she has cancer of her liver. She was told two year's maximum before succumbing. My question is does anyone else have any experience of this sort of... ...
I can't determine should I have the influenza vaccine today or not. As in past injections I sometimes feel poorly. Ironically with flu like symptoms. Options please.
My wife had a four night coach trip to France. She was bitten by a brown recluse spider, very nasty. Can take two to three months to heal. Antibiotics etc, very painful. She also acquired Covid-19... ...
The media will do as the government manikins tell them to. They in turn are dictated to by unnamed sinister overlords. The riots stem from massive injustices done, and condoned to the very fabric... ...
The media will do as the government manikins tell them to. They in turn are dictated to by unnamed sinister overlords. The riots stem from massive injustices done, and condoned to the very fabric... ...
. I feel that I may have long Covid as all food doesn’t taste right. For instance, I had some battered fish from the chip shop. It wasn’t quite cooked enough, also a battered sausage. I only ate... ...
well, my wife has just left...5.30am, for five days looking at tulips and gardens and other horticulture. That means I will be home alone for the duration. What to do? My disposition dictates... ...
Tesco car insurance gone up by £170 from last year. No claims, nothing changed, I’m wondering what the reason. Greed? Because they can? It’s as if all insurance companies have merged, and agreed... ...
About to renew my breakdown cover and I now see RAC and Blue Flag are charging £40 excess when called out before they assist me. The whole point of a breakdown cover was to help when needed. Not... ...