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To me it's one of life`s great mysteries - brilliantly written and performed, but a new series came out a while ago and you can't find a mention of it anywhere, the BBC don`t mention it although it's...
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5d I falsify report from oculist (3,6) E _ _ /_ O_T_R 10a Promotion of a less improved journey (5,5) _A_ _ _/DRIVE 14d Respected member of fruit family (10) _L_E_BERRY Many thanks
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cat woman
Born;- 22-08-04 Died:-05-05-06 I want to apologize now before ABrs animal lovers for what I'm about to write. Yesturday we tragically lost our dear little boy Merlin on the road, I'm absolutely...
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why is a Yorkie so called?
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Anyone know of a castle/stately home that I can book up for a weekend break for myself and an American friend? It needs to be in Devon, Cornwall, Avon or Dorset because of travelling. I want them to...
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Helloo, can anyone tell me which would correct? The government has approved a plan or The government have approved a plan Thanks for your help
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Fish Kid
When fat people run, does it hurt them? I'm not fat, never have been, so when I see some run through the park, I was wondering if the fat wobbling about actually aches? Or as the chances are the...
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On 1-28-06 Humane Society Cruelty Investigators arrested Shane Searchfield and Tracie Stear on charges of aggrivated animal cruelty, a felony in New York State punishible by up to two years in jail...
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A post for all you Carry On Fans: I recently purchased the newest Complete Carry On Film Book but was a bit dissapointed to see that there wasn't a section containing classic quotes from the films. So...
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cat woman
I just wanted to tell all you animal lovers that sadly our dear Sooty aged 15 passed away yesturday. We are missing him so much but we are comforted in knowing that he was a most loved and cherished...
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Does anybody have any original recipes for cooking with Liquorice. We run a Liquorice Festival in Pontefract and would like to have some Liquorice dishes as well as compiling a Liquorice recipe book....
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Hi all......I will try this section just incase a fresh new person is looking in..... I need help withthis Answer... Beethoven's Map Threesome.......9.11.10 Thanx so much.....
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who makes the best icecream?,,,,,,,Forget Hagendass[not sure if that's how you spell it] and Ben & Jerrys,,,I still think icecream from when I was a kid was the best.[I'm getting on a bit though]...
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Lovely Me
There is (or possibly was) a British actress, reckon she's probably in her 60s now (at least), platinum blonde with quite an odd face - kind of snub nose and little eyes and a sort of constantly...
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I am working on a quiz about Scarborough, does anyone know of any famous people from the town ?? ant other info would be usefull as i am struggling big time with this challenge !!! Cheers.
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Can anyone help with these few Questions...Thanx... beethovens's map threesome...9, 11, 10, boatswain's final description of his captain... plaza-toro self description...10.10.10 final...
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what HAS he been in? on IMDB it says he's had loads of bit parts, but he seems so familiar, like he's played a well known character. It also says he's got two brothers who are also actors. Maybe i'm...
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Ok, this will probably be contentious, but what's the most overrated tv show ever? My vote is Seinfeld - it's just not funny. (BTW - please don't 50 of you rush to its defence, I know I'm in the...
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Help...I'm stuck! Can you help me? 8a Very small period of time (5,6) _ p _ _ t _ e _ _ n _ 71a Stool pigeon (8) _ n f _ r _ _ r 93a Black marketeer (4) s _ _ v
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hi, has anyone been to Swinton Park, its a luxury spa hotel? Just wondering if its as nice as it says and what is the spa like?

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