When I finish a session on my laptop I note the amount left on the battery, when I again use the laptop approx 24 hours later I find the battery life is considerably lower sometimes requiring a...
I recently had the dreaded black screen and after trying all the various alternative start methods , safe start, normal start, last good configuration, BIOS etc, I had to do a complete system restore....
My laptop has given up the ghost and will not boot up, I have tried bootin g via BIOS but to no avail. As last resort I tried system repair using the XP restore discs, I get as far as choosing option...
I recently had an accident with my laptop which left it unusable. I have bought a new machine and have also signed with a new ISP, the problem is how can I access the numerous unread e-mails from my...
I have been advised to reinstall my AOL software. as the computer came with the software already installed I have no disc to reinstall. If I obtain another disc (AOL9) will the installation give me...
I am having problems With AOL in that it only partly loads. I cannot read or send E-Mails, open my favorites program or use the net . I can however use the net with Mozilla Firebox but cannot read or...
I have a number of large white lily plants all of which have had their leaves eaten. I recently spotted a red beetle-like insect on most of the plants, about the size of a ladybird. could this be the...