Struggling with bottom half. Any help with: 22a What’ll mess wall up in ultimate bits of amateur building? (8)-R??????? and 36a Despoil nature with devastation certain (10)????????R? That might get...
Really struggling to get started today. Got 27 and 32 and totally stuck! (Maybe 33 as well). Discover I am very bad at this without Frogman to help. Anyone prepared to fulfill his role and give me...
Thanks to the help already received I am down to the last 3- Can't seem to crack them, so may have gone wrong somewhere. 11 across - It helps to weigh Chinese goods, dry, in food ??TMI. 14 across -...
43 across - Company clothing suggested for part of computer's memory (8). I have ?I?M?A?O. Nothing seems to fit those letters, so where have I gone wrong? Thanks
Anyone got a copy of today's AZED where the clues correspond to the grid? e.g. 29 across is a 6 letter solution, but grid only has 5 squares, and the numbers on the grid don't match the numbers of the...
The online version seems to be wrong - clues and grid do not correspond. Any suggestions as to where I can find the correct version (other than the magazine)?
East Asian insect that has
caused great damage to fruit
trees since it was introduced
into the US (3,4,5)
Searched everywhere to no avail. I have S?G ?O?E ?C?L?
Thanks in anticipation......
Really struggling with 1a.'Spirit to nobble old itchy sore' (12, 2 words) Looks like it should be an anagram, but nothing seems to fit with my existing letters, or match the definition. Any help,...
Last 3 ( I hope!) - 1 across - Flowery alcohol? Amateur knocked back two parts of quart running ?A?U? 17 across - Well advanced in certain areas, rook I kept in defensive position ?OS?IT Last one -...