i was just wondering, why do we have all these races including black, white, asians ect... how come only white people enjoy the different features in eye, skin, and hair color? i have a feeling that...
Go on, own up, you do sometimes don't you? What's your favourite but probably less than healthy snack? (Mine has to be American style hot dog sausages in a white roll & smothered with tomato ketchup!...
What do you guys think will happen to the property market in the UK over the next few years? My property is on the market right now and I'm thinking about renting rather than buying for a while in the...
The recently published A level results (showing record numbers of grade As for the 22nd year running), prove that exams really are getting easier, to the point that it's just becoming farcical....
Why is it legal for people to let their cats wander and defecate on other peoples gardens? if dogs have to be on leads and their owners have to clean up the mess, why not cats?