If you lifted one leg off the ground and forgot how to put it down again. Discuss. Sensibly. I'll BAN anything stupid. Alternatively, ignore the question, I'll get over it.
Is it only me, but do any other ABers feel a little tinge of sympathy for people who pose a question and get absolutely no response? After, say, 24hrs of no responses perhaps there should pop-up a...
Anyone know who did the De-De -De-De-diddle-diddle-de-de-de music at the end of the film Done on a Glokenspiel at the beginning of the music? I am searching the goblins as on the credits but so far no...
hi i have a big fear of wasps and know smoke keeps them away but it got to the point last summer where i was smoking one after the other, making myself feel sick or id just avoid going out at all. i...
before my time as an aber, there was a chat section which older users will tell us became very unmanageable, maybe the current users will be more responsible and it would solve your problem re...
I cant stand it- when the boy is looing for his trainers then scoote, it almost forces your ears to haer it-and that awful geordie accent does my nut in-i cant stand this advert and trust me im...
Is it true that cats eat grass because they want to make themselves sick? Only most mornings my cat will go out into the garden eat some grass then come straight back indoors, he usually stays in for...
After the initial hype, when will there be a healthy UK supply of PlayStation 3 units? In terms of when one would be able to walk into any store and buy one without preordering.
Does anyone know anything about Sea Monkeys? My 9yr old daughter got some at Xmas. There are about 20 in the tank, some tiny babies and some about half an inch long - three of the largest sea monkeys...