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On Question time last night one of the guests was Welsh Secretary Peter Hain MP Other guests included shadow environment secretary Nick Herbert MP, former Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Ian...
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Does anyone know which shops nhs staff are entitled to get discounts from, i know dorothy perkins gives a 10% discount if you produce your badge, are there any others that do the same? thanks in...
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My girlfriend got threatened a few months ago by the local yobs who constantly congregate outside our house evrynight drinking. The police took all details of what happened and said they will look...
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I'm a white (relevant later) professional who stupidly got a little too drunk at a stag party a few weeks ago. I was being thrown out of a club (for my shocking dancing) and tried to escape the...
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Oneeyedvic BNP leader Nick Griffin has been refused permission to visit the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in Cumbria on security grounds. Mr Griffin said he...
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http://www.dailyexpre...-for-sharia-law-in-UK //// Islam4UK spokesman Anjem Choudary said "an Islamic flag will fly from Nelson’s Column, Trafalgar Square will become a place for Muslim...
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Hi, A few weeks ago i was playing football, i was playing against a lad i kind of know, we\'d had a few words during the game (part and parcel of the game). Anyway, anyway he got the hump with me...
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I was going to vote for the Tory's but not now. He never mentioned anything about curbing immigrants coming in and claiming benefits, houses, free NHS etc etc. But I wont vote for Labour!...
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I have been issued with a fixed penalty notice for alleged drunk and dissorderly behaviour. The police originally wanted to issue a caution for assault (pouring a drink over my cheating ex) but I...
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Had CVs today, 3 out of 5 applicants gave no date of birth, dates of qualifications and dates of work experience. Is the Employer expected to telephone them to get this info? Have binned them.....dont...
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Hi my brother has been charged with ABH against another family member. The victim's statement has been withdrawn and also a witness statement has also been withdrawn. The injuries were a chipped bone...
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My ex was given a harassment order about 3 weeks ago, this entails not to contact myself, come near us, or any addresses we may be at or my sons school. Now he has just approached us in the street and...
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Last week my husband ( who I am separated from) got arrested for driving with no tax or insurance and the police searched his car and found false number plates. He had been using these to do petrol...
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Hi first post...I have been dissmised proper disciplinary procedure and several other problems...I am taking the company to employment tribunal...does any one have experience...
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after a row with a neighbour my sister was arrested and charged with violence to secure entry she did not enter or touch the womans property and has a witness, but the woman that made the complaint...
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My boyfriend is due to appear in court for a minor assault charge this Friday. however as he is out of work he has applied for legal aid. This is taking time as they need copies of relevant paperwork...
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Hi there, i hope you all can friend has been charged with the above and has been found guilty by the Jury and also pleaded guilty. this all happened whilst she was at home with her 2 little...
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Need some help. I got caught for drink drive, driving while disqualified and driving with no insurance.? It was my second time within a year. I realize I have a problem and have made an appointment...
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I ordered this thing online a few weeks ago, it cost £34.99 It came in good time, and the money was taken from my account. About a week later, the same item got delivered, I hadn't ordered two....
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On August 21 our vehicle activated a speed camera driving at 40 in a 30 limit. The vehicle is shared by my Son and Wife, neither of whom could remember the incident or could definitely say it was them...

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