21a genus of fish related to the tarpon (5) ??o?s
14d Phenomena, prodigies, things quite out of the ordinary (5,4) r?r???v?s raras avis? Rarae avis? Rarus Avis?...
8d A modern founder of endocrinology (8) I have ?T?R?I?G. 38a A chronostratigraphic unit; or, in philately, a group of postage stamps selected as as set for collection (6) I have ?E?I?S. Many thanks.
Instructions say to make four well known words or phrases. I have the answers as authors of each of saturdays four answers. Is that what the compiler is looking for, as it does not make well known...
Wishing all ABers:-
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Buon Anno e Felice Anno Nuovo
Frohe Weihnachten und ein Gutes Neue Jahr
Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee.
Apologies for any errata....
17d City and resort in Italy, on the Adriatic (7) p?s?a?a
19d Port in Russia, on the River Volga (6) ?a?a?a
Geography not a strong point with me ;-)...